The imaging features of five cases of histopathologically proved phylloides tumours have been reported. Tumor size ranged from 3-16 cm. (mean = 8 CM). Mammographic findings included; well-defined, macrolobulated mass with radiolucent halo, either complete or incomplete. None of them showed associated calcification, skin change or pathologic axillary lymph node. Two showed very large masses, replacing almost entire breast, which one of them occurring in the pregnant woman. Sonographic findings included; heterogenous-coarse, low-level echoic solid mass, well-defined border, macrolobulated contour and minimal posterior acoustic enhancement. Intramural cysts or intramural hypoechoic area, which suggested the characteristic feature of phylloides were seen in 4 cases (80%). These cysts were mainly located at the peripheral region of mass. Color Doppler sonogram was performed in 2 cases. Both of them showed increased vascular flow.
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