
  • Chanya CHAISIRIRAT Department of Radiology, Kamphaengphet Hospital, Kamphaengphet 62000, Thailand


CT, proptosis


Proptosis of the eye is an important clinical manifestation of orbital diseases. Proptosis due to any cause can compromise visual function and the integrity of the eye. Delayed diagnosis and improper treatment can lead to unintended sequelae.

The aim of this study was to retrospectively analyze the causes of adult proptosis and was to present the diagnostic role of CT in evaluation of proptosis.

We reviewed 39 adult patients, over 15 years of age. They presented to out-patient of Kamphaengphet Hospital with clinical proptosis. The period of collections extended from January, 2006 to February, 2008.

There are numerous causes of proptosis. In order of frequency, the causes of proptosis is trauma15 following by tumors9 and inflammatory diseases including thyroid opthalmopathy and orbital pseudotumor.7 The most common cause of adult proptosis in Kamphaenphet hospital is trauma, which is different from those reported in other literatures.

In conclusion, with recent improvements in scanning techniques along with the wider availability of the current CT scanner, it has been proven to be excellent in identifying orbital pathology responsible for proptosis especially in places where MRI is not available.


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How to Cite

CHAISIRIRAT C. PROPTOSIS; CAUSES AND DIAGNOSTIC ROLE OF CT. ASEAN J Radiol [Internet]. 2023 Apr. 26 [cited 2025 Mar. 4];14(1):25-34. Available from:



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