
  • Parichad CHANPONG Division of Neuroradiology, Prasat Songkhla Hospital
  • Patama NAKBUMRUNG Division of Radiology, Suratthanee Hospital


Hydranencephaly is the total or virtually total absence of the cerebral hemispheres, which are reduced to membranous sac of glia tissue, with no ependymal coating, in an intact skull. This is rare disorder. It is classified as a circulatory encephalopathy from many causes (vascular, parasitic, viral,toxic,estrogenic,...).

It appears to be readily diagnoses prenatal by ultrasound. The neurological findings may be normal at birth. Transfrontanellar ultrasound,CT scanning and anatomical confirmation can established the diagnosis. The prognosis is hopeless and there is no treatment. Our report presents one case of hydranencephaly, clinical presentation and differential diagnosis from other common congenital diseases.


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How to Cite

CHANPONG P, NAKBUMRUNG P. HYDRANENCEPHALY : CASE REPORT AND LITERATURE REVIEW. ASEAN J Radiol [Internet]. 2023 Apr. 15 [cited 2025 Mar. 4];8(2):11-6. Available from: https://asean-journal-radiology.org/index.php/ajr/article/view/596



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