Sonographic findings of 20 patients with histologically proven primary gallbladder carcinoma during Jan. 1996- Feb. 1999 in Lampang Hospital were reviewed. The patients were 10 women and 10 men, with age ranging from 39 to 77 years( means 64 years). Clinical manifestations included RUQ pain, jaundice, dyspepsia, weight loss and fever.
Focal or diffuse thickening of the GB wall was the most frequent sonographic findings (50%). followed by mass replacing gallbladder fossa (25%) and polypoid intraluminal mass (15%). Mass at pancreatic head region and impacted gallstone were found at equal frequency, 5% each. Associated findings were gallstones (45%), CBD stones (10%), intrahepatic duct dilatation (40%), lymphadenopathy (20%) and ascites (10%).
The histologic diagnoses were adenocarcinoma (85%), adenosquamous carcinoma (10%) and papillary adenocarcinoma (5%).
The ultimate goal of this report is to increase the general awareness of radiologists to sonographic features of GB carcinoma.
The differential diagnosis and modes of tumor spreading will be discussed.
Abbreviation: RUQ = right upper quadrant, GB = gallbladder
GS = gallstone, CBD = common bile duct, US = Ultrasonography
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