
  • Suphaneewan JAOVISIDHA Department of Radiology, Ramathibodi Hospital, Mahidol University
  • Nuanjitr SUCHARTNITIKUL Department of Radiology, Ramathibodi Hospital, Mahidol University
  • Pimjai SIRIWONGPAIRAT Department of Radiology, Ramathibodi Hospital, Mahidol University
  • Chathchai POOKARNJANAMORAKOT Department of Orthopedic Surgery, Ramathibodi Hospital


OBJECTIVE. To determine the sensitivity, specificity, and accuracy of primary and secondary signs of ACL tear in MR imaging. MATERIAL AND METHODS. MR images of the knee in 31 patients who had surgical correlation were retrospectively reviewed by two radiologists who did not know the surgical results or the original interpretation. Surgery (open surgery or arthroscopy) demonstrated complete ACL tear in 9 patients and intact ACL in 22 patients. The appearance of ACL in sagittal T1/T2WI, coronal T1/T2WI, the anterior translation of tibia, the uncovered lateral meniscus sign, and the curvature of PCL were evaluated. RESULTS. The primary sign of ACL tear (abnormal morphology & signal intensity) had respective sensitivity, specificity, and accuracy of 100%, 86.3%, 90.3% on sagittal T1WI; 100%, 90.9%, 93.5% on sagittal T2WI; 75%, 95.2%, 89.7% on coronal T1WI; and 77.7%, 90.4%, 86.7% on coronal T2WI. The secondary signs of ACL tear had respective sensitivity, specificity, and accuracy of 77.7%, 100%, 93.1% for anterior translation of tibia at 5-mm cut off; 44.4%, 100%, 82.8% for uncovered lateral meniscus sign; and 87.5%, 90%, 89% for the buckling of PCL. CONCLUSION. Among the primary sign of ACL tear, an abnormal appearance of ACL on sagittal T2WI is most accurate. Anterior translation of tibia and uncovered lateral meniscus sign are secondary signs that have the highest specificity in diagnosing ACL tear.


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