
  • Abdullah BJJ Department of Radiology, University of Malaya Medical Center. University of Malaya
  • Kaur H Department of Radiology, University of Malaya Medical Center. University of Malaya
  • M. Rad Department of Radiology, University of Malaya Medical Center. University of Malaya
  • KH Ng Department of Radiology, University of Malaya Medical Center. University of Malaya


Foreign body ingestion is a common problem presenting to the Accident Emer- gency department. The foreign body most commonly ingested being fish bone. A lateral neck radiograph is often requested for making the diagnosis. However, a large propor- tion of fish bones are not radio-opaque which makes this a difficult diagnostic problem.


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How to Cite

BJJ A, H K, Rad M, Ng K. RADIO-OPACITY OF MALAYSIAN FISH BONES- AN IN VITRO STUDY. ASEAN J Radiol [Internet]. 2023 Apr. 7 [cited 2025 Mar. 3];3(3):327-38. Available from:



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