
  • Supranee NIRAPATHAPONGPORN Department of Radiology, Ramathibodi Hospital
  • Patchrin PEKANAN Department of Radiology, Ramathibodi Hospital
  • Prapee TANNAOWARAT Department of OB-GYN, Samitivej Hospital
  • Mondej SUKPRANEE Department of Medicine, Samitivej Hospital
  • Suphaneewa JAOVISITH Department of Radiology, Ramathibodi Hospital


An infected endometriotic cyst by Salmonella gr.A was presented. The patient was a 26- year-old woman with fever and chill for three weeks. Ultrasonography showed an adnexal mass, containing turbid fluid.


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How to Cite

NIRAPATHAPONGPORN S, PEKANAN P, TANNAOWARAT P, SUKPRANEE M, JAOVISITH S. SALMONELLA OVARIAN ABSCESS. ASEAN J Radiol [Internet]. 2023 Apr. 3 [cited 2025 Mar. 9];2(3):161-3. Available from:



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