Blunt Traumatic Diaphragmatic Hernia: Case Report
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Eren S, Kantarci M, Okur A. Imaging of diaphragmatic rupture after trauma. Clin rad 2006; 61:467-77.
Sandstorm CK, Stern EJ. Diaphragmatic Hernias: A Spectrum of Radiographic Appearances. Curr Probl Diagn Radiol 2011;40:95-115.
Wardi G, Lasoff D, Cobb A, Hayden S. Traumatic diaphragmatic hernia. J Emerg Med 2014;46:80-2.
Eckstein M, Henderson SO. Thoracic trauma. In: Marx j. Robert H. Walls R. et. Al., eds. Rosenûs emergency medicine: concepts and clinical practice. Philadelphia: Mosby Elsevier;2009; 387-413.
Desir A, Ghaye B. CT of Blunt Diaphragmatic Rupture. RadioGraphics 2012;32;477-98.
Kuo I, Liao C, Hsin M. Kang S, et al. Blunt diaphragmatic rupture - a rare but challenging entity in thoracolabdominal trauma. Am J Emerg Med 2012;30:919-24.
Meyers BF, McCabe CJ. Traumatic Diaphragmatic Hernia Occult Marker of Serious Injury. Ann Surg 1993;218(6):783-90.
Al-Refaiea RE, Awad E, Mokbel EM. Blunt traumatic diaphragmatic rupture: a retrospective bservational study of 46 patients. Interact Cardiovasc Thorac Surg 2009;9:45-9.
Killeen KL, Shanmuganathan K, and Mirvis SE. Imaging of Traumatic Diaphragmatic Injures. Seminars in Ultrasound, CT and MRI 2002;23:184-92.
Wiencek RG, Wilsong R, Steiger Z. Acute injuries of the diaphragm: an analysis of 165 cases. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 1986;92(6)989-93.
Kerney PA, Rouhhana SW, Burney RE. Blunt rupture of the diaphragm: Mechanism, diagnosis, and treatment. Ann Emerg Med 1989;18:1326-30.
Heiberg E, Wolverson MK, Hurd RN, Jagannadharo, et. al. CT recongnition of traumatic rupture of the diaphragm. AJR 1980;135:369-72.
Simpson J, Lobo DN, Shah AB, Rowlands BJ. Traumatic diaphragmatic rupture: associated injuries and outcome. Ann R Coll Surg Engl 2000;82:97-100.
Bosanquet D, Farboud A, LuckraZ H. A review diaphragmatic injury. Respiratory medicine CME 2009;2:1-6.
Rashid F, Chakrabarty MM, Singh R, Iftikhar SY. A review on delayed presentation of diaphragmatic rupture. World Journal of Emergency Surgery 2009;4:32.
Soundappan SV, Holland AJ, Cass DT, Farrow GB. Blunt traumatic diaphragmatic injuries in children. Injury, Int. J. Care Injured 2005;36:51-4.
Peer SM, Devaraddeppa PM, Buggi S. Traumatic diaphragmatic hernia-our experience. Inter J Surg 2009;7: 547-9.
Athanassiadi K, Kalavrouziotis G, Athannassiou M, Vernikos P, et al. Blunt diaphragmatic rupture. Eur J cardio Thorac Sur 1999;15:469-74.
Sliker CW. Imaging of diaphragm injuries. Radiol clin N Am 2006;44:199-211.
Gelman R., Mirvis SE, Gens D. Diaphragmatic rupture due to blunt trauma: sensitivity of plain radiograph. AJR 1991;156:51-7.
Blaivas M, Brannam L, Hawkins M, Lyon M, et al,. Bedside emergency ultrasonographic diagnosis of diaphragmatic rupture in blunt abdominal trauma; Am J Emerg Med 2004;22:601-4.
Shackleton KL, Stewart ET, Taylor AJ. Traumatic diaphragmatic injuries: Spectrum of radiographic indings. Radio-Graphics 1998;18:49-59.
Bergin D, Ennis R, Keogh C, Fenlon HM, et al,. The dependent viscera sign in CT diagnosis of blunt traumatic diaphragmatic rupture. AJR 2001;177:1137-40.
Haciibrahimoglu G, Solak O, Olcmen A, Bedirhan MA, et al,. Management of Traumatic Diaphragmatic Rupture. Surg Today 2004;34:111-4.
Bergeron E, Clas D, Ratte S, Beauchamp G, et al,. Impact of deferred treatment of blunt diaphragmatic rupture: A 15-Year experience in six trauma centers in Quebec. J Trauma Inj Infect Crit Care 2002:52(4):633-40.
Sandstorm CK, Stern EJ. Diaphragmatic Hernias: A Spectrum of Radiographic Appearances. Curr Probl Diagn Radiol 2011;40:95-115.
Wardi G, Lasoff D, Cobb A, Hayden S. Traumatic diaphragmatic hernia. J Emerg Med 2014;46:80-2.
Eckstein M, Henderson SO. Thoracic trauma. In: Marx j. Robert H. Walls R. et. Al., eds. Rosenûs emergency medicine: concepts and clinical practice. Philadelphia: Mosby Elsevier;2009; 387-413.
Desir A, Ghaye B. CT of Blunt Diaphragmatic Rupture. RadioGraphics 2012;32;477-98.
Kuo I, Liao C, Hsin M. Kang S, et al. Blunt diaphragmatic rupture - a rare but challenging entity in thoracolabdominal trauma. Am J Emerg Med 2012;30:919-24.
Meyers BF, McCabe CJ. Traumatic Diaphragmatic Hernia Occult Marker of Serious Injury. Ann Surg 1993;218(6):783-90.
Al-Refaiea RE, Awad E, Mokbel EM. Blunt traumatic diaphragmatic rupture: a retrospective bservational study of 46 patients. Interact Cardiovasc Thorac Surg 2009;9:45-9.
Killeen KL, Shanmuganathan K, and Mirvis SE. Imaging of Traumatic Diaphragmatic Injures. Seminars in Ultrasound, CT and MRI 2002;23:184-92.
Wiencek RG, Wilsong R, Steiger Z. Acute injuries of the diaphragm: an analysis of 165 cases. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 1986;92(6)989-93.
Kerney PA, Rouhhana SW, Burney RE. Blunt rupture of the diaphragm: Mechanism, diagnosis, and treatment. Ann Emerg Med 1989;18:1326-30.
Heiberg E, Wolverson MK, Hurd RN, Jagannadharo, et. al. CT recongnition of traumatic rupture of the diaphragm. AJR 1980;135:369-72.
Simpson J, Lobo DN, Shah AB, Rowlands BJ. Traumatic diaphragmatic rupture: associated injuries and outcome. Ann R Coll Surg Engl 2000;82:97-100.
Bosanquet D, Farboud A, LuckraZ H. A review diaphragmatic injury. Respiratory medicine CME 2009;2:1-6.
Rashid F, Chakrabarty MM, Singh R, Iftikhar SY. A review on delayed presentation of diaphragmatic rupture. World Journal of Emergency Surgery 2009;4:32.
Soundappan SV, Holland AJ, Cass DT, Farrow GB. Blunt traumatic diaphragmatic injuries in children. Injury, Int. J. Care Injured 2005;36:51-4.
Peer SM, Devaraddeppa PM, Buggi S. Traumatic diaphragmatic hernia-our experience. Inter J Surg 2009;7: 547-9.
Athanassiadi K, Kalavrouziotis G, Athannassiou M, Vernikos P, et al. Blunt diaphragmatic rupture. Eur J cardio Thorac Sur 1999;15:469-74.
Sliker CW. Imaging of diaphragm injuries. Radiol clin N Am 2006;44:199-211.
Gelman R., Mirvis SE, Gens D. Diaphragmatic rupture due to blunt trauma: sensitivity of plain radiograph. AJR 1991;156:51-7.
Blaivas M, Brannam L, Hawkins M, Lyon M, et al,. Bedside emergency ultrasonographic diagnosis of diaphragmatic rupture in blunt abdominal trauma; Am J Emerg Med 2004;22:601-4.
Shackleton KL, Stewart ET, Taylor AJ. Traumatic diaphragmatic injuries: Spectrum of radiographic indings. Radio-Graphics 1998;18:49-59.
Bergin D, Ennis R, Keogh C, Fenlon HM, et al,. The dependent viscera sign in CT diagnosis of blunt traumatic diaphragmatic rupture. AJR 2001;177:1137-40.
Haciibrahimoglu G, Solak O, Olcmen A, Bedirhan MA, et al,. Management of Traumatic Diaphragmatic Rupture. Surg Today 2004;34:111-4.
Bergeron E, Clas D, Ratte S, Beauchamp G, et al,. Impact of deferred treatment of blunt diaphragmatic rupture: A 15-Year experience in six trauma centers in Quebec. J Trauma Inj Infect Crit Care 2002:52(4):633-40.
How to Cite
Changtham S. Blunt Traumatic Diaphragmatic Hernia: Case Report. ASEAN J Radiol [Internet]. 2019 Mar. 11 [cited 2025 Mar. 3];19(2):143-7. Available from:
Case Report
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