
  • Nitat KIATHIRANON Department of Neuroradiology, Prasat Neurologic Institute
  • Rattana KHUNTIRANON Department of Neuroradiology, Prasat Neurologic Institute
  • Upin SANGKUM Department of Neuromedicine, Prasat Neurologic Institute
  • Anusak LIANGUDOM Department of Neurosurgery, Prasat Neurologic Institute
  • Patchrin PEKANAN Department of Radiology, Ramathibodi Hospital


Extradural intracavernous aneurysm of the internal carotid artery was demonstrated in a 48-year old woman who presented with right exophthalmos and total opthalmoplegia. The aneurysm was an unruptured one. Coronal CT scan showed a target sign in the bulging right cavernous sinus. Reports concerning the CT findings of such aneurysm were rare.


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