
  • PATTARANUTAPORN P. Radiation Oncology Div., Dept. of Radiology Faculty of Medicine, Siriraj Hosp., Mahidol University
  • CHANSILPA Y. Radiation Oncology Div., Dept. of Radiology Faculty of Medicine, Siriraj Hosp., Mahidol University
  • PANICHIVALAK A. Radiotherapy Sec., Radiology Unit, Vajira Hospital


Two cases of superficial tumor of the floor of mouth with T12 No Mx lesions were treated with radiation therapy by surface mould technique. The brachytherpy source was HDR-Ir." One case was treated with brachytherapy alone with a dose of 32.5 Gy in 5 weeks. One fraction of 6.5 Gy per week was given for 5 fractions in order to avoid a repeated course of external irradiation. This patient had received a previous treatment for laryngeal cancer 7 years ago by external radiation with a late radiation reaction of the skin in the neck region. The other patient was treated with 6.5 Gy per fraction, 2 fractions with 1 week interval, prior to 50 Gy of external irradiation in 5 weeks. The result were complete response without any complication. The technique was simple, reproducible and safe for the treatment of carcinoma of the floor of mouth and might be used for other tumors in the oral cavity.


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How to Cite

P. P, Y. C, A. P. IRIDIUM-192 WAX MOULD THERAPY FOR THE TREATMENT OF SUPERFICIAL TUMOR OF THE FLOOR OF MOUTH. ASEAN J Radiol [Internet]. 2023 Mar. 30 [cited 2025 Mar. 4];1(3):135-9. Available from:



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